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Comedy Resources

What are the best Comedy Writing Books?

Are you looking for comedy writing exercises to help you generate material, approach the writing process and be able to start writing jokes?

Here are my Top 5 Comedy Books which I return to time and time again to help me with my comedy writing for whatever project I’m working on.

Logan Murray’s, ‘Get Started in Stand Up Comedy’ is an essential read for anyone wanting to get into Stand Up Comedy and performing on stage. There are so many writing exercises and you get a glimpse of what doing Stand Up Comedy is all about. There are also interviews with comedians. When I started doing stand up this book was my bible! I recommend everyone has a copy of this book on their bookshelf. I’ve taken part in a couple of Logan’s Comedy Courses and had a 1-2-1 session with him so I know he’s hilarious and lovely person.

Joe Toplyn’s, ‘Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV’ is packed with writing processes and pulls back the curtain on how late-night comedy shows generate comedy material for the hosts. It doesn’t matter if you’re not into Late-Night shows as the writing processes can be applied to any comedy project you’re working on.

Greg Dean’s, ‘Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy’ breaks down how to write and formulate jokes. It includes clear techniques and diagrams which will get your ideas into joke structures. Greg also runs online courses.

Chris Head’s, ‘A Director’s Guide to Art of Stand up Comedy’ gives you an insight of how to create your comedy persona and look at your material from the perspective of a Director. I have also had a 1-2-1 session with Chris and he is very good at what he does.

Scott Dikkers is one of the Founders of The Onion. His book, ‘How to Write Funny’ gives you a step by step process of generating comedy material by running your opinions through the ‘Funny Filters’. The filters are explained in detail in the books and you are guided through creating a huge stack of new comedic material to apply to stand up, sketches, satire headlines and more. Scott runs the Comedy Business School and has many resources such as a podcast and videos on his website / social media sites.

Happy comedy writing everyone!

Jane :)

Want more Comedy Resources? Check out all my Amazon book recommendations at

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What are the best books about Voice-over & Voice Acting?

If you’re interested in starting a career in voice-over, need some tips for voice acting or want to start a podcast and want some vocal tips - these are the best books for you.

Voice-Over Voice Actor: The Extended Edition by Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt

Great for beginners! It’s a very easy read and has all the tips you will need such as vocal exercises, insights into the business and practice scripts to use. This book is also in audiobook format which helps when they explain voice exercises.

The Art of Voice Acting: The Craft and Business of Performing for Voiceover by James Alburger

The sixth edition is updated to include the latest information on how to get started in voiceover, performing techniques, setting up a personal recording space, voiceover demos, the basics of running a voiceover business, working with agents, unions, and much more. There are also lots of helpful URLs for extra info.

Voice Acting for Dummies by Ciccarelli

Easy to use. A clear and concise book with tips and information laid out in true ‘for Dummies’ fashion. It has step by step explanations and examples.

Extra online resources for Voice-Over and Voice Acting:

Brilliant website with everything you need to know:

Dan O’Day’s website has a range of free mp3, talks and other resources

What’s the best book on screenwriting?

One of the best books on Screenwriting and I really mean the best is Save the Cat! by Blake Snyder. it even says on the cover, ‘The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need” and it’s 100% true.

I rave about this book in every comedy workshop whether you want to start writing your own scripts or not. It’s hard to believe that this book sat unread on my bookshelf for at leat 3 years before I finally read it. When I finally read it the book changed everything.

The book breaks down screenplays and movies so the structure and plots are easy to understand. It includes how to write bloglines, the seven laws of screenplay physics, the 10 movie genres, the hero's journey, tips on character, mastering the story ‘beats’ and how to repair your script if it’s not working.

What’s that you’re thinking? How can every movie have physics? How can there only be 10 genres? Every movie can’t have the same beats, surely?

Yep, I thought the same but this book explains everything you need to know and it’s pure gold.

I used the same ‘beats’, structures and hero’s journey in my own live comedy shows - they worked a treat. I really recommend everyone has a copy of this book so they can understand a great hero’s adventure and all the elements that are needed for that adventure to work on screen or even on stage.

My only warning to you is that you will never view a movie the same again as you recognise the beats that work…and the ones that don’t. We’ve all sadly watched bad movie that didn’t explain itself and made no sense at all. It will also help you appreciate the work that goes into writing great characters, brilliant plots and amazing movies.

Ready to blow your mind?

Save the Cat! Also, now has books with tips on how to write novels, indie films and TV. They also have the workbook.

Have you always wanted to write your own one person comedy show?

If yes, I offer 6 week comedy course which runs a couple of times a year. This course will help you with everything you need to know to get your own show together while saving time and money. 

If you are on the course already, this are the books which I highly recommend you read which will help you get your show ideas together and give you an insight into story telling.

  • Save the Cat by Blake Synder - will help you with structure and breaks down beats within scripts

  • Into the woods; Stories and why we tell them by John Yorke - explains the hero’s journey and how to construct a great story

  • Get started in Stand Up Comedy by Logan Murray - lots of exercises to help you write comedy and jokes

  • The New Comedy Bible by Judy Carter - more tools to write comedy and joke structures

  • How to Write Funny by Scott Dikkers - breaks down writing comedy and how to generate loads of comedy material

  • A Directors Guide to Stand by Chris Head - Tips on stand up and performance

  • The War on Art by Stephen Pressfield - A great insight into the artist process

  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott - More insights into approaching comedy writing and taking projects a small amount at a time

  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - An inspiring look into the creative process and how to approach projects